For a complete workup on your risk exposure, get RiskFit®.


Managing risk is a lot like “getting into shape” and CARE policyholders enjoy complimentary membership to OmniSure’s RiskFit® program.

OmniSure® offers a one-of-a-kind professional Risk Fitness® program to CARE members to help understand your risk when you need it most. With on-demand advice and other performance assessments, OmniSure provides guidance with questions such as understanding reporting requirements, addressing online reviews, or determining how much notice is needed to dismiss a non-compliant patient from services. 


CARE members complimentary
services include: 

  • Monthly risk tips (videos, podcasts, toolkits and more)

  • RiskFitness® Performance Platform to chart the course for results

  • RiskFit® certificates for those who complete the Do-It-Yourself RiskFitness® program

  • Advice-on-demand via phone, online contact form, or email for compliance, risk, or as-it-happens best practice and adverse event support through OmniSure’s confidential, 3rd-party helpline

CARE members receive additional
services at a discount:

  • Desktop consultation and recommendations

  • Onsite risk assessment or consultation with recommendations and training

  • Focused reviews, topic-specific consulting and training

  • Webinars, toolkits, policy and procedure development and more

OmniSure RiskFit—a wellness check for every CARE policyholder.

OmniSure Risk Management Consulting

For more than 20 years, OmniSure has been helping well-known healthcare organizations improve performance, avoid lawsuits, and improve their risk profiles by bringing in specialists with deep expertise in the most important facets of healthcare risk management.