We care about simplifying the process.
CARE is serious about protecting its members’ most valuable asset: their good name. In the unfortunate event that you are faced with a claim, know that we stand with you and are ready to fight frivolous lawsuits aggressively.
Our Results
CARE protects its members by fighting lawsuits with an effective, aggressive defense when an error has been made.
Over a 10-year period, 2 out of every 3 lawsuits we defended were disposed of with no indemnity payment recorded against the physician.
Our multifaceted approach to claims handling includes:
Vigorous defense of non-meritorious claims
Reasonable settlement of meritorious claims, if feasible
Protection of the policyholder’s right to consent to settle¹
Defense costs outside of limits available
Multiple expert reviews, if appropriate
What To Report
You could be notified of a medical malpractice claim, lawsuit or investigative proceeding in several ways, depending on the state in which you practice. Immediately contact your CARE agent at (502) 895-6404 or by using the form below if you receive the following:
Legal summons or complaint, usually in the form of a document issued by a court of law
“Pre-suit” notice letter, which is a document putting you on notice of an intent to bring a lawsuit against you
Subpoena, which is a request for records or a notice that your deposition has been requested
Letter from a patient, family member or their legal counsel demanding restitution
Communication from your state medical board regarding treatment of a patient or patients
We also recommend strongly that you contact us of any unanticipated outcome you feel could result in a claim or any expression of dissatisfaction from a patient or family member regarding treatment.